Digital Anganwadi
10 States 5 Languages 600+ Anganwadi Centers
264,000+ Beneficiaries 1000+ Teachers Empowered
Our Project
Our cloud-based technology platform is leveraging the power of cutting-edge data engineering to catalyse pedagogical innovation at Early Childhood Education Centres in rural India. We are empowering Anganwadi teachers with access to custom-curated interactive vernacular language academic content. Our digital education is improving foundational numeracy, foundational literacy and value-based education.
One-on-one training session for an Anganwadi teacher
What are our focus areas?
Foundational Numeracy
Foundational Literacy
Value Based Education
We are empowering anganwadi teachers with access to digital tools. Our contextual curated interactive content in vernacular language is enhancing quality of Early Childhood Education for children 3-6.
How do we reach out to them?
Click the link Sign-in with gmail Play!
No App! No Download approach to project-design
Our Team in Action
Group-Based Teacher Training
MOU signed with
Women & Child Development Department
Curriculum Focused Research
Interaction with Anganwadi Teachers
How do we do this?
We analyzed the curriculum extensively and partnered with the Women and Child Development department to improve education. By leveraging the power of cutting-edge data engineering and open source tools like Plio, we analyze the accuracy rate, retention rate of students, and other data points. We use this to iteratively develop our program. Using a cloud-based technology platform enables multiple volunteers across India to compile digital learning tools in different languages.
Our Approach
Step 1
Extensive Curriculum Focused Research
Our volunteers thoroughly analyze the learning curriculum and suggested topics to create an impactful digital learning intervention
Step 2
Participative Program Design
We actively engage Anganwadi teachers through a participative program design process. Their inputs help us iteratively develop our project
Step 3
Partnership With the Administration
Our partnership with the Women and Child Development Department enables us to identify and expand to more Anganwadi centers
Step 4
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Our volunteers curate content in vernacular languages to enhance learning outcomes and improve cognitive functions
Curating Interactive Vernacular Language Content
Step 5
Leveraging the Power of Cutting-edge Data Engineering
We utilize open-source tools like Plio to analyze factors such as completion rate, accuracy, retention rate, etc.